Yoga Class Etiquet... What To Do If You're In Over Your Head?

yoga practice Jul 20, 2018

I come across brand new students all the time and one of the things they always say is...

"I'm scared to attend an open class...what if I can't do something?"

My answer is always the same..."Please jump in, never wait till you know it all, just listen to your body, and rest when you need to."

As a teacher it's always tricky to teach group classes where there is a mix of students in the room, it's really an art to give lots of options and normalise everyone's experience. But here's the thing... You're not suppose to keep up with the class!

The most important thing about practicing yoga is respecting your body and listening to how you're feeling and modifying and adapting for what's going on for you. It's taken me years as a teacher to be able to teach and work the room to help make sure everyone stays on the bus so to speak.

So I created this short video to give you a go to for those moments in group classes when you just need a time out.

Clear steps you can implement in those moments when you're feeling overwhelmed.

I hope it helps! See you on the mat soon. Kxx



50% Complete

Two Step

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