Learn Yoga: Boat Pose

Jul 20, 2018

In this video Maddison and I take you through boat pose which is a great core exercise.

If you have a history of lower back issues you may want to skip this one until you've built up your strength through some safer postures for the lower back.

This video nearly didn't make it onto the vlog because...well you'll see for yourself, but I think it's the perfect example of just how much of a challenge this pose is.

Please note Madi is super strong and has a very consistent practice but this video will show you that long holds and advanced options will challenge even the strongest most seasoned yogini. So always respect the limitations in your body and stay with the options that's just enough of a challenge.

I hope it helps get you on the mat Kxx

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How To Find The Motivation To Practice Yoga When You're Stuck In A Rut?

Jul 20, 2018

You have the best intentions to get on your yoga mat and do a practice.

You feel heavy and unmotivated, you look at your couch and maybe even at the bottle of red wine and think to yourself 'maybe I'll wake up early tomorrow and practice, I really can't be bothered now!' 

The other one I hear a lot is 'I'm just not a morning person so I'll skip classes for a few days until I can make it in for an evening class.

Sometimes weeks and months go by and you're still stuck and unable to move past the resistance around getting onto your yoga mat. Then we get frustrated because that pain or that tightness and tension builds in the body and we're feeling worse than ever before. The cycle continues.

We've all been there and in fact maybe not just with starting yoga but other life stuff also.

I made this little video to talk specifically to this as I know when I first started it was a big struggle for me with my chronic fatigue and depression to actually stay consistent even though I knew...

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Yoga Class Etiquet... What To Do If You're In Over Your Head?

Jul 20, 2018

I come across brand new students all the time and one of the things they always say is...

"I'm scared to attend an open class...what if I can't do something?"

My answer is always the same..."Please jump in, never wait till you know it all, just listen to your body, and rest when you need to."

As a teacher it's always tricky to teach group classes where there is a mix of students in the room, it's really an art to give lots of options and normalise everyone's experience. But here's the thing... You're not suppose to keep up with the class!

The most important thing about practicing yoga is respecting your body and listening to how you're feeling and modifying and adapting for what's going on for you. It's taken me years as a teacher to be able to teach and work the room to help make sure everyone stays on the bus so to speak.

So I created this short video to give you a go to for those moments in group classes when you just need a time out.

Clear steps you can implement in those...

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